***Winner of the Godfrey Giveaway *** – Nyx Halliwell Author

***Winner of the Godfrey Giveaway ***

Meow, kittens! It’s your favorite black cat enjoying September and the fall weather heading our way!

Have you read Of Potions and Portents yet? Thanks to everyone who participated in the Godfrey giveaway! And to those who purchased the book and reviewed it, me and the sisters REALLY love you…puuuurrr. We hit cat-tastic bestseller lists at Barnes & Noble and several on Amazon as well.

Now without further ado…

The winner of the Godfrey Giveaway is…


Woohoo! Melissa, I have your email and Nyx will be in touch! Congratulations, kitten!!

Thanks again, everyone who participated, and stay tuned for the next exciting giveaway from your favorite black cat, Godfrey! I’m doing an especially purrfect prize pack featuring the love of my life—Snow! You’ll get to meet her in Of Curses and Charms, Sister Witches of Raven Falls, Book 2, releasing Tuesday, September 24th. Preorder now!

Godfrey 🐾💜🐾

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