Once Upon A Witch Series – Nyx Halliwell Author

Category Archives for Once Upon A Witch Series

Where are the Once Upon A Witch books?

Happy Friday, kittens!

If you're looking for my Once Upon A Witch series on Amazon, you may have noticed that you can't find those books anymore and the paperbacks show as unavailable.

What's up with that?

The series is no longer published through Whiskered Mysteries. The publishing house has changed hands and authors were given the opportunity to take a buyout offer.

I took it.

What does that mean for the books, and most importantly for YOU, kittens?

Never fear! The series is getting an update and rebranding. Godfrey is working hard on new covers, a new series name, as well as new titles, and the Sister Witches of Story Cove will be re-released this fall at ALL retailers. Yay!

In the meantime, I’m writing Tea Leaves & Troubled Spirts, Confessions of a Closet Medium, Book 6. Tentative release date for that is September. Double yay!

And hubby and I are STILL looking to move this summer, so I have lots of cauldrons bubbling over the fire right now. Please wish us well as we go through the process of moving us and our babies several states away.

I'm super excited about all of it, and I hope you are too. As soon as I have the new covers for the Sister Witches of Story Cove, you’ll be the first to see them! Follow my blog or sign up for my newsletter so you don’t miss out!

Blog https://nyxhalliwell.com/blog

Newsletter: http://eepurl.com/gwKHB9

Have a purr-fectly wonderful weekend, kittens!

Nyx & Godfrey

We hit the list!

We did it, Kittens!!!

Nyx and I are thrilled to have been in the BLACK CAT CROSSING box set with Poison Apple Potion, Once Upon A Witch, Book 3, and thanks to many of you, Nyx became a…

USA Today bestselling author!


It truly was a team effort and we're so glad to know the other talented and hard-working authors in the set.

Thank you to everyone who supported Nyx and I hope you enjoy all the fun, kitty-centered stories!

Godfrey 💜🐾💜

P.S. If you didn't grab your copy yet, you can still get it for Halloween!

🐈‍Amazon: sweetpromisepress.com/CatKindle

🐈‍Apple: sweetpromisepress.com/CatApple

🐈‍Nook: sweetpromisepress.com/CatNook

🐈‍Kobo: sweetpromisepress.com/CatKobo

New Release!

A witchy Cinderella, Prince Charming, magick & MURDER!

I've been waiting for this moment FOREVER! Well, maybe not forever, but for a good six months or more. I signed with Sweet Promise Press to write a NEW SERIES of fairytale retellings and I can FINALLY shout about it!! The first book in the Once Upon A Witch Series, If the Cursed Shoe Fits, releases today!

This cozy mystery is all about a witchy Cinderella who's trying to keep the family business alive and figure out if a pair of shoes, rumored to be cursed, are responsible for several mysterious deaths. There's echoes of the original Cinderella story in this retelling, but my Cinder is a total tomboy, and she has a lot of responsibility on her plate. Enter handsome Finn Starling and her world gets turned upside down before you can say “hocus pocus!” Read an excerpt here!

During the recent pandemic, it's been *weird* to talk about happy celebrations, but one thing many of you have shared with me is that you enjoy taking a break from news and social media and sharing BOOKS. Like many of you, I find solace in reading (and sometimes re-reading) a great story that acts like Calgon and “takes me away” to another place and time. I've been pulling out old favorites and reading them before bed. When things are rough, I find old “friends” are sometimes the best at relieving my stress. Do you have a favorite book you turn to when nothing else appeals?

I truly hope you'll find some comfort and maybe a few laughs when you read If the Cursed Shoe Fits – maybe it will even be one you turn to again when the world seems so out of control.

Fairytales can be an elixir to our worried minds. They help us deal with feeling overwhelmed and fearful. Each book in my Once Upon A Witch Series ALWAYS includes a happy ending. The good guys win, the bad guys get their comeuppance, and love conquers all. 

When I was writing this note, I looked for synonyms for “celebration.” This one is my favorite: jollification. Say it out loud! Isn't that a cool word? I love it. It rolls off your tongue and sounds like a great, active noun. So let's celebrate all the little things, even books, that make our world brighter right now, and enjoy some jollification!

Stay safe and keep reading!
Nyx 💜🐾💜

P.S. Feel free to share this with friends! Godfrey and I will love you forever if you do