Tea Leaves & Troubled Spirits
The tea leaves don’t lie – Ava and her friends are in grave danger in this next adventure of the Confessions of a Closet Medium!
Trouble is brewing for my friends, and they need my help.
At the tea shop, Sage suspects she’s been cursed when a carnival fortune teller portends her death and the new psychic in town, Madam X, confirms it. Even the leaves in the bottom of Sage’s cup claim the reaper is at hand.
Meanwhile, a stranger winds up dead at the B&B next door, and Brax and Rhys are under suspicion. To clear their names, I dive in to investigate and discover Madam X isn’t all she’s cracked up to be.
But is she a killer?
Troubled spirits I can handle. Solving these real-life cases to save my friends, though, will require seances, palm reading, and help from my family—both the living and the dead.
And if I’m not careful, the reaper will show up in my tea leaves.
Read this humorous ghost mystery today
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