Giveaway – Nyx Halliwell Author

Category Archives for Giveaway

What is your favorite color?

Hello, kittens!

I love the color purple. Also, pink and silver. Occasionally, black and white (like Princess Winnie's fur!)

Purple is my favorite, though. Every time I wear it, someone compliments me. I swear, they are my people! I should start a club for purple lovers. My favorite mug is purple and I have a box of purple pens.

Experts claim that a person’s favorite color says a lot about their personality. Whether you fancy blue tones or red shades, the colors you prefer offer fascinating insight into your character.

‘Character’, hmm…I’m pretty sure most of my characters love purple, too!

So what does that say about us? I looked it up and found this: Those who love purple are intriguing, lovely, and down to earth. I like it!

This month, my cozy author bestie, Molly Fitz, is spotlighting me in her REAM community AND she's holding a super magical giveaway!

Check out her Cozy Kitty Club and be sure to enter the giveaway!

Cozy Kitty Club –

Giveaway –

So what about you? What is your favorite color?

Leave a comment to let me know!

Have a very colorful week,

Nyx & Princess Winnie

P.S. good luck with the giveaway!!


To celebrate the release of Of Potions and Portents, I'm doing a fun giveaway! Woohoo!!!

To celebrate the release of the first book in my new series, I'm doing a very special giveaway, featuring Godfrey, the talking cat!

One winner will receive:
A stuffed Godfrey
2 pairs of cat socks
A black cat mug with matching spoon
Harney & Sons Organic Peppermint tea (Spring's fav!)
and some author swag

Check out how you can get MULTIPLE entries here:

Enter to win AND share with your friends! Good luck!

Blessed be,
Nyx 🐾